EMF Protection

We all have electronic devices on or near our bodies every single day. These devices can and do generate Electro Magnetic Fields. Basically what happens is these devices have rings of electrons circling them much like the earths gravitation field. This can cause disruptions in our own Electro Magnetic Fields that our bodies produce 24/7. With this information we present to you the concept of EMF protection. Watch this short video below to learn more!

Get your tuün™ RESONATE here! This is the Top Tier of EMF Protection!

tuün™ RESONATE is the BEST PRODUCT for EMF Protection on the Market. There are others, but this is at the top. MIRACLES are instore for those that pay attention to these interesting ideas. It is absolutely true that EMF is causing harm to our bodies. When you gain the knowledge that is available, it is now up to you to apply what you have learned. Engage with and come to understand this impressive solution.

These incredible and affordable solutions have been found. We are using the Bio Arc Discs for all uses. The small ones are used on our Mobile Phones (stuck to the back) and on our laptop computers (stuck to the back as well). We place them on the back of all of our Desktops, Televisions, Wifi Routers and everything Electronic.

An interesting tidbit, when we have guests over they say:

“It Feels so Calm and Peaceful In your Home”

“Why is it that whenever we come here it is always so Relaxed”

Our answer is, we have protected our home from harmful and invasive frequencies that disrupt our bodies internal energy.

Natural Health and Wellness are ideas we have been researching for some time. And in this pursuit we have discovered many areas of interest! Two of the most interesting are the study of our body’s energy and the tools available to make sure it stays positive. Our research has also uncovered tuun Resonate, a wonderful company that provides these tools.

The Power of Crystals

In the study of our energy we learn about Chakras and Healing Crystals. Chakras are energy vortexes that exist within the etheric body and provide life force energy to the body.

Life’s Vibrations Affecting Natural Health and Wellness

Albert Einstein is reported to have said that “everything in life is vibration”. The power of chakra crystal healing is that each crystal has its own unique vibration. Crystals, due to their structure and composition, give off vibrations at a constant frequency and their vibrations do not change. You also have unique vibrations within your body. However your energy vibrations are affected by Physical, spiritual and emotional factors that can positively or negatively affect your well being.

Crystals Can Change Your Energy Vibrations

This fact is especially powerful. When a crystal interacts with a lower or higher vibration it increases or lowers that vibration to match its own. The same is true for us! When our bodies come into contact with these Crystals our internal vibrations align with the same frequency! With these Crystals, we can regulate many negative states of being and live better tuned lives. This truly is a NATURAL health and wellness aide. Wearing crystals close to your body or even in your pocket has remarkable effects.

The Science Behind Crystals

Now, we understand that everyone has differing opinions or biases based on cultural or religious beliefs. Some people don’t know anything about them at all. I assure you this is incredible technology made available to us through laboratory science and study. No woo woo, just facts.

In the early days of these studies, Marcel Vogel, an IBM scientist, microscopically studied the growth of crystals. He observed that their shape took different forms, depending on what he was thinking. His hypothesis was that these vibrations are the result of the molecular bonds constantly assembling and disassembling. His study of Clear Quartz concluded that rocks can store thoughts in similar ways that tapes use magnetic energy to record sound.

The Human Body Energy Field

There is an energy field around our body that we cannot see or change. We can ourselves however, produce positive and negative energy. We can work at balancing our Chakras, controlling our energy and keeping it aligned.

Life today is full of pressure and emotional stress. And because of these stresses, Sleep, for most people becomes an issue. Placing crystals in the bedroom can help resolve or eliminate some of these issues, relieving emotional stress and helping to achieve a centered mood. Crystals can be placed throughout your home or office to protect you from negative energy. And if this is not enough for a good night’s sleep, check out this product produced with nanotechnology. Watch this next video to learn more.

Enjoy this brief video about the power of energy generating Orgone Pyramids and uses!

electromagnetic field

If you find these ideas and products interesting follow the links above to learn more. Like I said earlier, this is hard science tested thousands of times over and over again in the Lab. No WOO WOO, just facts.